Rescue Dogs
Over the last 45 years I have made and sold 3,000 dogs, including more than 100 distinct breeds and about 1,000 that were inspired by people’s photos and memories. This page is to highlight dogs that remain here in our gallery. They mostly include the first of a series, overstock of familiar breeds, and ones that simply seemed to appear through inspiration. They are living here in our “Shelter,” anxiously awaiting their forever home. We plan on introducing a new one every few weeks. Prices are reflective of size, age, weight and good looks. (Shipping is extra.)
All dogs range in size from roughly 14 inches to 27 inches
Adoptions so far:
Born 1997 | Adopted 2022 | Michigan
Lowchen #3
Born 1995 | Adopted 2022 | Maine
White Dog
Born 2010 | Adopted 2022 | Vermont
Born 2012 | Adopted 2022 | Virginia
Siberian Husky #2
Born 1997 | Adopted 2022 | Nova Scotia
Boxer #1
Born 1998 | Adopted 2022 | New York
Born 2015 | Adopted 2023 | Colorado
Little Black Dog
Born 2012 | Adopted 2023 | Massachusetts
Wheaten Terrier #5
Born 1996 | Adopted 2023 | Massachusetts
Bloodhound #55
Born 1997 | Adopted 2023 | Ohio
French Bulldog #6
Born 2012 | Adopted 2023 | California
Yorkie #5
Born 2005| Adopted 2023 | Vermont
Otterhound #1
Born 1998 | Adopted 2023 | Vermont
Jack Russell #1
Born 1994 | Adopted 2023 | Maryland
Pug #20
Born 2021 | Adopted 2024 | Vermont
Born 1997 | Adopted 2024 | Vermont
Newfoundland #1
Born 1995 | Adopted 2024 | New York
Australian Shepherd #5
Born 2007 | Adopted 2024 | Pennsylvania
Dogs In Need
Fox Dog
I've only recently been painted and that has led me to take on my true identity. My DNA tested negative for any fox ancestry so I guess I'm just a mix of different breeds. I'm laid back and good with friends and family. I never jump and I bark very little. I'm sure I would be comfortable with all household pets, except maybe chickens.
$450 retail / $295 sale
Scotty #7
I’ve got one of those genes that just makes you big. I am 30 years old, repainted and in the best shape of my life. I'm hoping to be in my new home for Christmas. I am strong and protective by nature and love meeting new people at the front door.
$950 retail / $495 sale
Dachshund #5
I was born in 1997 and am among 34 both long and short haired Dachshunds that Norton has carved. He kept me because I was so representative of what my breed might look like. I'm excited to be moving on to a real home with dads, moms, children and other pets.
$650 retail / $325 sale
Often called the "The Little Lion Dog" I am considered one of the rarest breeds. In 2002 Norton met an American owner of one and carved her’s and three others. I am French in origin and featured in many of the artist, Goya, paintings. My breed can be prone to separation anxiety. However, over time I have learned to control my excessive barking and do not always need to be the center of attention.
$650 retail / $350 sale
Long a regular in the barn, I absorbed a true patina of years of dust along with a sense of purpose long ago abandoned. Norton varnished me hoping to catch some of my experiences under that finish. I'm probably most of all a terrier but with all the dogs around through the years I am surely an elaborate mixture. I tolerate cats and have a lot of friendly experiences with dogs over the years.
$650 retail / $295 sale
Carved years ago and left in the barn, Norton has just finished me up like an English Setter he knew during his teenage years. I am much like that friend, with inherited hunting memories and a love to run. Now mature and wanting to be on my own, I would be content to simply gaze out your window.
$650 retail / $395 sale
Bedlington Terrier
# 1 & # 5
We are mother and daughter Blue Bedlingtons. Puppies in my breed are always born dark. My daughter is a bit shy and will need someone willing to be patient, slowly building a lifelong bond. Neither one of us needs a lot of mental stimulation or physical activity. A spot in the den, a foyer, or even a covered porch might work for us.
Bedlington Terrier #1 22” $750 retail / $400 sale
Bedlington Terrier #5 12” $450 retail / $250 sale
Dandi Dinmont # 1
I am one of only three Norton has done and have been in his collection since 1991. My breed was well known around the farms of Scotland in early times. I have the distinctive top knot of hair common to all Dandi Dinmonts, along with a desire to exercise less than most dogs (also common). My new owner can expect few duties since I require no food, vet visits or long walks in freezing weather.
$750 retail / $450 sale
Bichon Friese # 5
Norton was inspired to make my breed after meeting and liking a friend's Bichon. Like the original Toby, I’m playful, affectionate and, of course, never prone to mischievous behavior when bored. As an added bonus, I don’t shed much. I’m 25 now and I'd love to find my forever home.
$550 retail / $350 sale
PBGV # 1
I'm called a “Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen" and we are obviously of French origin. Norton only made five since we are not the most common of breeds. Recently, though, the Westminster Dog Show 2023 Best In Show was one of us. The breed is best known for its happy demeanor and durable constitution. I would be fine with another canine friend in the household, if that helps.
$750 retail / $400 sale
Weimaraner #2 sits 26” tall and has been with us since 1995. He is more on the docile side than many of his breed and has long been our “Grey Ghost” of the gallery.
$750 retail / $400 sale
I was Norton's first real dog back when he was a teenager growing up in the country. He has made 20 of us and I'm the last. My ancestor barked at and chased rabbits but these days I'm just as content to quietly watch them through the window.
$650 retail / $500 sale
Wire Fox Terrier # 1
I am the first of 12 that Norton has done over the years. My job has been to represent my breed at the gallery and I have learned to communicate well with people over the years. I enjoy their company and have successfully tolerated their pets, even though some have too much energy for me.
$750 retail / $500 sale
Boston Terrier # 5
I was born in 1995 and am the 5th of 30 that Norton has made. As a New Englander, I am well-mannered, thoughtful, and considerate. I am best known for my ability to be sensitive to my owner’s needs and I have a special affinity for the elderly. I love games of fetch and tug of war, but need to be careful on hot and humid days because sometimes it may be hard for me to breathe.
$750 retail / $500 sale
Maltese # 1
I was born in 1996 and am one of 7 that Norton has made. My breed relishes exercise but when the opportunity for it does not exist, I easily adapt to a more sedimentary lifestyle. I am housebroken, crate-trained and have previously lived with other dogs.
$550 retail / $295 sale
King Charles Spaniel # 5
Born in 1999, I come from a family of 35 toy spaniels that Norton has made over the years. Although I am small in size, I am full of energy and love that I hope to share with a family who might adopt me. I don't eat much and I get along well with other dogs and even cats!
14” high
$650 retail / $350 sale
West Highland Terrier
This Westie is “Dog Tired.” Of the 71 Westies that I made, two were of this style. They were made for a show where I themed dog-related puns. In addition to Dog Tired (an exhausted Westie), the show included dogwood blossoms on a German shorthaired pointer; Underdog, a beagle with his paw in a sling and a hotdog in a bun. Dog Tired is the #67 Westie and was made in 2010. He measures 13” from the tip of his tail to the floor and is 16” long.
$650 retail / $395 sale
Sheltie # 1
This Sheltie is 24” tall and is the #1 of eight that I’ve made since 1996. I was inspired when I saw them working the nearby fields. She is intelligent, loyal and quick to please.
$750 retail / $400 sale
Howling Hound # 1
This Treeing Walker Coonhound is representative of my long fascination in the folklore surrounding hunting dogs. He is 36” tall and is howling at the moon. His cousin, a Blue Tick Hound, still sits in my shop, uncompleted, howling.
$950 retail / $550 sale
Norfolk Terrier # 5
I was born on the 4th of July in 1997. Norton made only six Norfolk Terriers, probably because there are just not a lot of us out there. We make up for that, however, by having the softest temperament while being independent and fearless. I love humans and hope I can someday be part of a loving family.
14” high
$550 retail / $350 sale
Miniature Schnauzer
My name is Tucker. Back in 2002 my father ordered my carving and, because Norton was so taken by my classic Schnauzer coloring, he made two. My twin and I have been separated for over 20 years now and I would love to finally have a chance to be out on my own, too.
14” high
$600 retail / $395 sale
French Bulldog # 1
I am the first of 7 "Frenchies" that Norton has carved since 1998 and am a bit oversized. Last year my breed became the number one family dog in America and I sport the qualities deemed most likable—I’m patient and affectionate, agreeable and human-oriented and would make a wonderful addition to any family.
20” high
$650 retail / $295 sale
Brittany Spaniel
I am in the middle of some 24 Brittanys Norton has made since 1993. Being the middle child has its advantages, such as not having to always break new ground. I’ve also learned compassion from watching my younger siblings make foolish mistakes. I think I would make a wonderful addition to any family.
13” high
$550 retail / $350 sale
Dachshund # 1
I was born in 1996 and am the first “Wiener Dog” of 12 that Norton has made over the years. I am oversized, standing 19” tall and 38” long, and am alert but quite relaxed.
$850 retail / $550 sale
Briard # 1
I am the #1 Briard and Norton created me in 1996. I am a handsome guy with my “Mickey Mouse” ears. But since AKC’s official standards forbid the color white, I was rejected by my would be owner. I am forever grateful that Norton and Marlene loved me and did not put me to sleep because of my white coat.
30” high
$1,050 retail / $650 sale
Chow Chow #1
I was born in April 2000 and shortly after Norton made Chow #2. Together we had two puppies in July of 2002. With climate change and over population looming, we decided to stop there. We all live independently now and I am hoping to live out the rest of my days in a real home being in the moment and carefree.
$750 retail / $400 sale
Brussels Griffon
I am Brussels Griffon #2 and am 13 years old. I may have a grumpy face but I’m really not like that at all. What I lack in looks I make up for in sensitivity and love, especially for children.
16” high
$550 retail / $295 sale
Let’s do this, doggone it!
***Please note***
Norton is no longer fulfilling custom orders.
If you would like more information on any of our Rescue Dogs, mention your choice(s) in the form below and we will get back to you. References are not required!